Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Well, it has been a good first half of the week so far. Worked Monday and Tuesday nights. I started lifting at the Wellness Center about a month ago. Pretty great place--they give us half off so I can't complain. Ran about half a mile, then worked arms and abs. Pretty heavy workout this morning. After I got home, I ate breakfast but not so sleepy so I stayed up til about 2PM.

Slept til 8:00 PM! Ha now Im wide awake. This night shift thing is pretty crazy. Don't know that I'll ever get used to it. Coworkers, the parents, and the folks at the gym are the only ones i come in contact with these days. Ready for some hang time with friends.

Planning a get together over the holidays. Hope all of you "followers" can be there. Had my first full arrest at work the other night. The guy died, but I got an IV at the hardest place on his body so thought I did pretty well..

Haven't been spending time with Jesus like I should. I believe every Christian struggles with this! It is a constant battle with self. Thanking God for His power that overcomes all sin.

Psalm 40:1-3

Until next time, praise Almighty and hug your grandparents!


  1. Can't wait to all hang out! This follower will be there!! Proud of you with the IV, I know you did everything you could!
    And I struggle with the same issue. Too busy is the lamest excuse, and yet I use it all the time.

    Hugged mine yesterday :)
