Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's Summer Time

Well, it is officially summertime! The last post I sent was pretty sad, considering I was leaving the best college around.. Since then, I have grown to appreciate the days off. It seems I have worked either at 911, the colliseum, or ridden on the ambulance everyday that we have been out. However, this has been a time of true growth in my walk with Christ.

You see, in college around fellow-Christians, you aren't quite as likely to screw up when these guys and girls are around. You are much more tightly held accountable to your thoughts, actions, and motives. Because if you aren't having your quiet time with God, it is evident in even the simplest ways.

Now that I am somewhat away from everyone, it is sooo much easier to slip up and whisper a bad word, or let Satan slip that bad thought or action into my head. In fact, he does it so cleverly, I sometimes don't even notice it happened until the consequences. Wow, every time I notice how powerful the devil is, I all but fall to my knees in awe of how incredible my Father is. It is through His Word and my prayer with Him that I have survived these 1-2 weeks. Thanks be to my Savior for His unfailing love. I challenge you to look up this passage of scripture as you read the end of this post. Until next time, Go Indians and praise God Almighty! 2 Samuel 22:31-33.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you brother. Seriously. It's like Satan has attacked me with every possible reason as to why I shouldn't be doing summer missions this summer. Not good enough, not strong enough, not bold enough, etc. Need I go on? "It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect" (2 Samuel 22:33) I needed that! :) Thanks for sharing your heart. Miss you already!
